About me


Born, raised and trained in Belgium, I decided to make the jump to live and work as an expat in Czech Republic. I am living in Prague, where I provide psychotherapeutic services in English and Dutch.

I am trained in both sexology and gestalt psychotherapy.

I do online and face-to-face sessions with individuals and couples.

I have 8 years of experiences in mental health services and sexology, of which 4 years as a psychotherapist. 

My work as a therapist is regularly supervised with a supervisor and in cooperation with colleagues. I am accredited by the Czech Association for Psychotherapy (n°65784528).

You can find out more about my approach under individual therapy or couples and sex therapy.

Formal education

  • Bachelor of Arts in History (University of Antwerp, BE)
  • Master of Science in Sexology (Catholic University of Leuven, BE)
  • Postgraduate in Gestalt Psychotherapy (Association Catholic University of Leuven, BE)

Workshops and short trainings

  • Differentiation in couples and sex therapy - Ilse Penne (School voor Relatietherapie, BE)
  • Psychopathology and DSM-5 from a gestalt point of view (Instituut voor Communicatie, BE)
  • Autism and autism-spectrum disorders (Instituut voor Communicatie, BE)
  • Process of change in Gestalt therapy: clinical implications for treating depression - Jan Roubal (Instituut voor Communicatie, BE)
  • Sexuality and Aggression: The Figure/Background Relationship Between Pain and Pleasure - Mariano Pizzimenti (New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy)
  • The Loving Gaze – Novelty, Excitement, and Growth: A Relational and Existential Phenomenological Perspective - Yaqui Andrés Martínez Robles (New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy)
  • Love, Sex and Power - Terry Real (Relational Life Institute)
  • Introduction to Terry Real - Terry Real (Relational Life Institute)

Work experience

  • Private practice in individual, couples and sex therapy, Czech Republic and Belgium (online) (2022-)
  • Therapist and trainer at Centre for Social Work (CAW), Belgium (2016-2022)
    • Providing training and therapy for clients who were mandated by a judge
    • Sex offender treatment
    • Individual social work and therapy
  • Private practice in sexology and psychotherapy, Belgium (2016-2022)
    • Providing therapeutic support for individuals and couples with mainly sexological issues
  • President and treasurer of the Flemish Society for Sexology (2015-2022)