Privacy Policy 

As a psychotherapist, I am committed to protecting and respecting my clients' privacy. This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data I collect from my clients, or that they provide to me, will be processed. It is important that my clients read this policy carefully to understand my views and practices regarding their personal data and how it will be treated.

Information Collection and Use

I collect personal information from my clients when they schedule an appointment or fill out forms on my website. The information collected may include but is not limited to, names, contact information, and health history. I use this information to provide my clients with the best possible care and to comply with legal and ethical obligations.


I use ProtonMail, a Swiss email provider with the highest privacy standards on the market. The mailserver is hosted on my own server and the service provider (ProtonMail) is not able to read any content of the emails.

Notes and other information

I store my own notes from the sessions digitally on my own private server that I own the full rights too. 

Information Sharing

I may share my clients' personal information with other healthcare professionals or organizations if it is necessary for the provision of my services or as required by law. For example, I may share information with a client's primary care physician or with a hospital in the case of an emergency. I will always obtain my clients' consent before sharing their information with any third party.

I follow regular sessions of supervision (one-on-one or in group with a more experienced colleague) or intervision (peer-group case review). These professionals are also licensed therapists who are bound by law to professional secrecy. These sessions help me to improve the care that I provide to you.

Data Retention

I will retain my clients' personal information for as long as necessary to provide my services and to comply with legal and ethical obligations. After this time, the information will be securely destroyed.

Data Security

I take the security of my client's personal information very seriously and have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect it from unauthorized access, alteration, or loss.


I use cookies on my website to improve the user experience and to gather anonymous website usage statistics. Cookies are small text files that are placed on a user's computer or device by a website. They are harmless and cannot be used to access personal information. My clients may choose to disable cookies in their browser settings, but this may affect their ability to use certain features of my website.

Privacy Policy Changes

I reserve the right to make changes to this policy at any time. My clients will be notified of any changes by an update to this policy on my website.

Contact Information

If my clients have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or the way in which their personal information is being handled, they should contact me via email or phone.